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Our online assignment writing company has been helping university students to complete their academic papers for more than 10 years. covers over 75 academic disciplines and produce more than 137 types of papers ranging from essays, term papers, coursework, Plans, Projects, theses, and research papers to PowerPoint/poster presentations and Excel homework assignments.

University Assignment Writing Service

Reflective Conflict Analysis Memo

As a new graduate nurse practicing in a clinical setting, a conflict arose concerning a treatment plan for a patient diagnosed with pneumonia whom I was to care for. The treatment plan had been written using paper charts and the handwriting was ineligible and I could not properly get the medications and the diagnostic tests that had been prescribed to him. I was hesitant to enquire from the charge nurse about the clarity of the orders on the chart because it would exhibit my level of incompetence. Conversely, I had heard about nurses who had been dismissed from employment due to erroneously interpreting orders.

 I was in dilemma, whether or not I should ask for clarity of the orders from the admitting physician and risk being yelled at and perceived incompetent or proceed with the unclear orders and risk my patient’s safety. In this situation, I remembered that as a nurse, my number one role is to ensure no harm to my patients and should be the patient’s advocate. To deal with the conflict, I decided not to risk my patient’s safety but seek clarification of the orders from the admitting physician who did clarify to me but without first venting. I apologized to him but reminded him that it was my responsibility to ensure patient safety first. I spoke to my charge nurse after calling the physician who informed me that I should have involved her because the physician in question was known for unprofessional behavior. I also talked with my manager and director about the incident and they pleaded with individuals with a history of such unprofessional behavior to stop it. University Assignment Writing Service

How I Would Approach the Conflict Differently in Future

In handling a similar situation in the future, I would rely on emotional intelligence which is effective in such scenarios. Due to the stressful nature of the healthcare environment, workers are prone to miscommunication (Pishgooie et al., 2019). I will first involve my charge nurse without fearing whether or not I would be perceived incompetent. Besides, I will seek advice from my colleagues who have similar past experiences to learn how they handled them (Shah, 2017).

University Assignment Writing Service
University Assignment Writing Service

Implementing Strategies to Encourage A Culture of Safety and Respect to Reduce Conflict and Bullying in The Workplace

Although the nursing profession is dedicated to caring for other people, the high stakes nature of the healthcare environment in which nurses work can result in situations where emotions boil over. The nursing workplace is prone to incivility, bullying, and violence and besides impacting individual nurses, it has the potential to negatively affect patient care if not properly handled. One of the strategies that can help cultivate a culture of safety and respect and reduce conflict is camaraderie and teamwork. Establishing productive teams, with shared understanding and trusting relationships can enhance social cohesion hence minimizing conflicts and incivility among people in the workplace (Perlo et al., 2017).

It is also necessary to establish a code of conduct and policies with clearly expected behaviors (Clark et al., 2011). Zero tolerance policies against incivility can go a long way in communicating organizational expectations of individual employees and foster a culture of civility. The code of conduct communicates which behaviors and actions are acceptable for every employee in the organization. Failure to adhere to these behaviors may have consequences on the individual. A code of conduct will help to prevent conflicts and unprofessional issues from happening. In the event of issues happening, the code of conduct can provide a defined process that will help to resolve them effectively.

Critical Analysis

Another strategy to cultivate a culture of safety, respect and civility in the workplace is implementing stress reduction strategies (Clark et al., 2011). Incivility in the workplace is closely linked to stressful work conditions. It is necessary to equip every employee with tools to help them better manage stress and turn to healthy coping mechanisms so that their stress does not lead to unprofessional conduct. One of the stress management strategies that should be made available to nurses includes taking steps to foster resilience through engaging in open dialogue to enhance the exchange of ideas, discussion of departmental and unit issues, and teaching leadership skills. Also, stress emanating from nurses’ workload may be managed through the automation of repetitive tasks (Magtibay et al., 2017). Such tasks include entering medical information, making reminder calls, and updating systems.  University Assignment Writing Service

Promoting ethics in the workplace can also help deal with conflicts in the workplace. This can be achieved through encouraging open discussions of ethical issues and problems arising in the workplace and provide avenues for raising ethical concerns across care settings and disciplines inclusive of patients and their families. This strategy can help employees to be open about the issues that they confront in their line of duty and therefore facilitate better ways of overcoming them or mitigating their impacts. According to Shah (2017), establishing a working environment where nurses feel empowered and supported in the workplace is necessary for addressing workplace incivility and promoting a culture of safety and respect. University Assignment Writing Service

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