
Nike Lobbyist Speech Essay

Nike Lobbyist Speech

Nike Lobbyist Speech

Senator Crook,

Today marks a great day in the history of small-scale business players not only in the Footwear business but also other related businesses. The opportunity presented to the legislative house seeking to make a legislation towards eliminating tariffs on imported Vietnamese footwear will go down to determining the US-Vietnamese ties that the country seeks to build. As a legislative house and you in particular, have a chance to determine the direction the agreement will take. Although I know your competency is unmatched owing to the experience you have, mine is to take this opportunity to weigh in on the debate and support the fact that elimination of import tariffs on Vietnamese footwear s in America’s national interest.

Senator Crook, the vote before you present an opportunity to our local consumers to important the footwear at a cheaper price either for own consumption or for resale purposes. Both the high and low U.S skill footwear are also poised to gain as they can innovatively add value to the Vietnamese product and also build bilateral business opportunities (Besedes, Kohl & Lake, 2020). There has been a notable interest among citizens who have been interested in importing the high-quality Vietnamese products. This vote gives them a chance to do so at an even more affordable price.

As a Nike lobbyist, the removal of the tariff will help to improve the number of shareholders within the US market as more products will flood the market making it more competitive. This will not only improve the revenue stream for the government but also help to improve employment opportunities in the local market. The Vietnamese footwear workers will also gain as they will have better market opportunities for their products.

It is worth mentioning some negative implications as well which may however not water down the benefits listed above. Firstly, removing the tariffs will almost kill the local footwear business players as the market for the products will shrink. Secondly, an influx of the products will a threat to the environment unless proper disposal mechanisms are put in place at the end of their useful life. Nevertheless, it is my hope that the elimination of import tariffs on Vietnamese footwear is in America’s national interest and hence it should be considered.

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